We are thrilled to bring our customers The Grateful Card, and to provide our customers with exclusive monthly discounts on many of our best-selling products.
We call it The Grateful Card for 3 reasons.
- In 1976, Jerry Farrell founded a store named for a Grateful Dead tune, Uncle John’s Band (“We’ve got some things to talk about, here beside the Rising Tide…”).
- By naming our program The Grateful Card, we’d like to think we’re giving our customers a subliminal nudge to be more grateful, too! Grateful for your heath, your family, your community and this beautiful planet.
- We are so grateful for YOU, our loyal customers who have been by our side all these many years. You are the reason behind everything we do. We look forward to continuing our partnership in healthy, sustainable, joyful living for many years to come.
To sign up today, please visit the store or complete this form.
Please note: The Grateful Coupon does not apply to the Cadia brand, catering, gift cards, thanksgiving turkeys, special items, or bulk items.