Moms-to-be have choices to make when it comes to treating various conditions—major and minor—that afflict them during those precious 40 weeks. According to Aviva Romm, well-known midwife, medical doctor, and herbalist, approximately 45% of women use some type of herbal remedy during their pregnancy. But even herbal remedies aren’t without their potential drawbacks; be sure to get your herbal 411 from a trusted source with an in-depth knowledge of herbs and pregnancy.
1. Stress relief/Sleep: Boiron Sedalia temporarily relieves nervousness, hypersensitivity, irritability and fatigue due to stress. Wishgarden Herbs Stress Relief contains a gentle combo of herbs to nourish and refresh your nervous system and help you put stress in perspective.
2. Morning sickness: Calm-a-Tum by Wishgarden Herbs is a tincture containing a carefully selected blend of traditional southwestern herbs (peach leaf, peppermint leaf and wild yam root) to relieve normal nausea associated with pregnancy. If you’d rather sip some tea, try soothing Traditional Medicinals Ginger with Chamomile whenever you’re feeling queasy. And if its your prenatal vitamins that are the culprits, Garden of Life Raw Prenatal is a capsule featuring a tummy-soothing combo of organic ginger root and probiotics.
3. Cold & Allergy: Wishgarden Herbs Kick-It Allergy is a unique combination of herbs designed to support healthy immune response, and to assist lymph, eyes, nose and throat naturally.
Bonus: Once the baby is born, many women look for ways to enhance the quality and volume of their breast milk to keep baby satiated and well-nourished. When It comes to post-partum milk production we recommend both Gaia Lactation Support and Wishgarden Herbs Milk Rich; both use age-old breastfeeding herbs including raspberry leaf, fennel seed, fenugreek seed and goat’s rue (Milk Rich only) to promote healthy and ample breast milk.